Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Lolita pg 50-76

Humbert continues to admire Lolita from afar, andhe seems to get a little too much pleasure out of any contact he gets with the little unknowing 12 year old. Lolita ends up going off to camp for the summer, and Humbert is devastated, until he finds a letter from Lo's mother. In the letter, Lo's mom admits to being in love with Humbert and wishes to marry him. Humert takes this opportunity to get closer to Lo, and he pretends to be in love too. They prepare to get married, but all Humbert can think about is his soon-to-be stepdaughter... Creepy.
One of the points he makes is that she's not effected by his admiring. I guess that's true, if she doesn't know the sick thoughts Humbert is thinking, its no harm.... Right? I think Humbert is incredibly conniving for deciding to marry Mrs. Haze (Lolita's mother) in order to gain closer contact with Lo. This is totally unfair to Mrs. Haze, but I have a feeling she will be eliminated from the picture fairly soon anyways.

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