Saturday, January 15, 2011

After by Amy Efaw

I bolted into the library one morning last week before my first period study hall (running late as usual, but I really needed to get another book to fulfill my etymology pages). I looked up at the clock and it said 7:47 so I grabbed a book that was displayed on top of one of the shelves, and checked it out, barely escaping yet another tardy. Turns out, I picked a pretty good book, because once I started reading it, I couldn't put it down. The story starts out with a 15 year old Devon Davenport laying on a couch, covered in blankets, about to pass out. Long story short, her mother comes home and pulls the blanket off her when she refuses to cooperate. This is where the real drama begins. Devon is covered in blood and guts, and is subsequently rushed to the hospital. After reading about her hospital visit, the reader learns that she has given birth to a child in her bathroom, and disposed of the newborn in a garbage can outside the apartment where she resides (unless you're like me, and you read all about the baby on the inside cover first). Clearly, there are some major ethical transgressions here.... and Devon is taken to a juvenile jail to await her trial. By this time, the reader is almost finished with the book, so I won't spoil the ending.
I almost wish I hadn't read the inside cover before I began the book, because the book doesn't actually tell you what Devon did until you are significantly into the book. If I hadn't known, the twist would have been that much better. However, the book still captivated me. What's more, is that this type of thing actually happens, which is absolutely appalling. I think that's one of the reasons I couldn't seem to put the book down.

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