Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Proud Moment

So I've been wanting to get my cartilage pierced for quite a while, but I'm just such a chicken. I have absolutely no tolerance for pain and the sight of blood makes me woozy. Not to mention my parents would more than likely ground me for even asking to get it done. But, being my rebellious self (no I'm just kidding I'm really a good kid) I got it into my head today that I wanted it done right now. I'm not the type of person to have a whole lot of patience, so I looked it up on youtube and did it myself. Let me tell you, it's a whole lot easier than you'd think. The most important part was icing your ear for 10 minutes before (of course I'm such a scaredy cat that I probably held ice on my ear for 25 minutes straight just tomake sure it was numb). I literally didn't feel a thing when I put the safety pin through my ear, and I know you don't care at all but I'm just so impressed with myself.... KUDOS to me. hahah just kidding. Now, the tricky part is going to be wearing my hair down and hiding it from my parents as long as I can. I know I know, this is cunning and decietful. I feel bad, really I do. Just not nearly bad enough to go tell my parents yet.

I guess if I'm not at school tomorrow there are two possible explanations:
a) my ear somehow got so infected overnight that I was hospitalized or somehow inable to come to school
b) worse, my parents found out and locked me up

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